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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Revelation and the Middle East

Maybe it's timely that I read John's "Revelation" again last night.

Something piqued my curiosity yesterday and my memory was a bit blurred so I thought I'd just give the text another good read. It's been decades, many decades since I last read it. I'm not one to go to public masses nor am I active in any church but I am a Christian and was baptized by the Catholic church when I was a wee lad. I learned over the years that every "church", every "denomination" has their self serving quirks hence, I took the solo route and opted to be my own maverick preacher to myself, no one else. I've been getting along just fine since I made that decision.

But I digress, that was a long winded way of getting to where I was going with the opening statement of this post. I read John's "Revelation" again last night and realized it's alarmingly prophetic, again. At least in my opinion. I don't mean "prophetic" to the point that John saw and wrote what Revelation would entail but, more about what John witnessed and subsequently wrote about when he documented the Revelation. Albeit, that would bring some argument from many folks, most folks who believe otherwise.

So, in essence I'm suggesting there's some serious parallels to then and now and there's certainly some familiarity to John's documentation.

It's been suggested that Revelation just might be near or even here (again?) but I won't argue it. I don't normally discuss religion so I'll let it be. I just thought I'd share my thoughts for what they're worth and get this particular thought cleared from my mind for the time being. 

Yep, I strayed from my normal politically inclined rants to throw this out there. I guess I can attribute it to "the season". 



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