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Monday, September 25, 2017

An open letter to the NFL, to the players in general...

To my old lifelong NFL friends,
I had an epiphany...
It has nothing wholly to do with the NFL but it does have to do with self serving athletes and their absurd "outbursts", "demonstrations"...
I've come to the realization that (as many of you point out) they absolutely have no reason to complain but they do. They have absolutely no regard for anyone's interests but their own. Unlike many of you though (and there's absolutely no slight against any of you intended), I believe they know what they're doing. They know they're in a position of some self perceived "authority" to impose upon others what they demand and they're doing just that. They'll do it until the funds fade away and their self importance diminishes over time. I think it's a choreographed plan. It's a simple plan, it isn't confusing and they thought it through. They're willing to run the risk of losing money knowing they most likely won't lose all that much in the end. But, they will earn more when it's all over and done with.
The players, the NFL employees, they're so self important that they truly believe they're ambassadors of social change. They're not. If they're to be ambassadors of social change then leave the gridiron, go to the inner-cities and effect positive changes. Give the millions they earned to charity and live the life the apostles lived. Live among the poor, the diseased, the hungry, the challenged... not for a day, a week, a month but for the rest of their lives.
Effect those changes from within. Put their money where their mouths are. Don't just fly into a major city, hop a limo to the inner city and mingle with the crowd for a half hour, an hour or so.... GIVE IT ALL UP AND LIVE THERE WITH THEM! Effect change, don't try to affect it by tossing money at it. Actually live, share, experience their lives. Not the ones you lived "back in the day" in those cities but the ones they're living now.
If these "professional" (as in paid exorbitantly) athletes truly want to make a difference then get off of the field and get into the ghetto life. Stay there until you make the changes you sought to make. All of the "police brutality", all of the "racism", all of the "gangsta activity", all of the single parent families struggling to make ends meet... help put an end to it by living it, calling it out whenever you see it and ensure it never returns. Educate the youth, the parents, the siblings, the career politicos, the mentors...
Leave the gridiron and make a difference. Don't pout and throw your sorry arsed tantrums out there on the field. Don't toss around your short lived self perceived importance. That doesn't serve to help anyone. DO SOMETHING!
Finally, as an aside...
Isn't Dennis Rodman one of North Korea's Kim Jong Un's favorite NBA play toys? I'm only asking this because there's an obvious link between money, self importance, perception, physical talent, conceit and greed. It doesn't seem to matter what sport, or for that matter what career so long as they're filthy rich and insist they're talented beyond belief, whether they are or not.
But Rodman?! Important?! I wonder how he's going to feel when he gets strapped to the muzzles of an AA gun in the middle of the "arena" in front of an audience of NK school girls who are being groomed to service the little dictator with the funny haircut. Yep, pro sports athletes have really let their manufactured self importance, their overblown egos, their entire existence go to their heads haven't they. Much like the hollywood stars do. It's funny what a little bit of money will do to a previously likeable and entertaining human being. For many of them money turns them into greedy, annoying, obnoxious, conceited, self important sorry excuses for human beings.
Good riddance NFL.

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