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Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Coup d'etat in the making?!

I was reading some articles that were sent my way and this one that references a proposed coup de'tat from the left caught my eye. The left? They're not even trying to hide their desire to destroy our Republic. They've openly proposed a consortium of sorts with the global elite, or vice versa, given the current political climate, globally.

In short, the agreement suggests that those who are hell-bent on denying us our Second Amendment rights, those who seem to believe the First Amendment applies only to them... those who kept us in check for eight long years (and more, if you count RINOs) are now openly planning a coup d'état for our 2020 elections should our duly elected and sworn POTUS Donald J. Trump win and/or not concede the election, regardless of any determination of fraud or otherwise?! Isn't this some sort of collusion towards a final effect of treason? Their fall back plan suggests that if the majority makes a decision in 2020 to re-elect our POTUS Donald J. Trump and the minority doesn't agree with that decision then the minority will openly collude with others to prevent the likelihood of our duly elected and sitting POTUS Donald J. Trump from assuming office for a second term as POTUS in 2020, however they can. Regardless of legalities and regardless of the will of the majority. The very fact that this whole scheme is being posted as a hot topic on the internet suggests the global elite owns the left. But then, many of us already knew that. The global elite, the left is pushing for the termination of our republic. They want socialism, at least. They want us to be the crown jewel of socialist states that make up the globe... we, the citizens of this mighty fine United States of America will not benefit from this treasonous act, should they prevail.

Simply put, the global elite, the left have their plan in place. I have no doubt that their votes are being purchased and/or otherwise secured as I write this. It's probable that many of those votes were purchased quite some time ago via long term "contracts". The left? They will not lose the 2020 election!

The left is emboldened!

The media is owned by them, our education is owned by them, our health care is owned by them, our economy is owned by them, our day to day lives are already falling under more of their control, constraints effected by the left, our personal communications and our recreational activities are being controlled and/or determined by the left, many of our citizens and politicos are owned by them and arguably the polls and voting machines are owned/controlled by them... it goes on from there. This "coup"? It's here already but the roots just aren't deep enough for the left to feel that level of confidence they think they should feel before they make their final push. They're predictable because the left is comprised of the cowards, the leeches of our society, leeches of the globe and though they have their plan(s) and though their foundation is in place they're still the cowards they were and will always be. Folks, this latest push is a hue and cry from the left for them to muster their spineless trolls together and try to effect some sort of a coup d'etat should the 2020 election run contrary to their manipulated, planned and expected end results. When our POTUS Trump gets re-elected we should expect a wholesale coup. RINOs and Demoncrats will circle their wagons and destroy our republic as we know it, if they can. And these leftist fools aren't even beginning to disguise their efforts or plans anymore which makes me wonder who the fools truly are, us or them. They're emboldened by their global handlers.

The Kool-Aid's kicking in for them.


Many thanks to The Gateway Pundit for sharing this.


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