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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bloomberg's "Gun Rationale"

I had this sent to me by a friend of mine (Thanks again Dan). It's a great, "telling" meme that shows how the pampered, the pompous politicos in our country believe they know better than us regarding our firearms, our Second Amendment rights. They're naive at best, totally ignorant and over the top conceited at least if they think they know how we should live our lives and raise our own children.

This Mikey BLOOMBERG idiot's truly a fool!

My brothers and I were raised around guns. Guns, firearms were tools to us. We'd hunt our game, we respect the power, the limits of our firearms and we managed their use, their care. The first pistol I ever fired was a model M1911, Dad's. I was a very young fellow, well before my teens when Dad took "us boys" to a local gravel pit to "shoot some guns". I remember Dad showing me how to grip the gun, putting my little hands in place the best he could and him standing behind me with his hand hovering over the pistol while allowing me to squeeze the trigger. I remember the feeling when the round discharged. Dad's hand kept the 1911 from knocking me senseless with its recoil. He said I "hit the target" (to this day I have to take his word for it) but either way it was a great education. We each had a shotgun and a long rifle of our own on or before we turned 13 years old. We were "plinking" with bb-guns and .22 rifles before we were given our "bigger" guns. According to Dad our 13th birthday was the day he'd hand us our first rifle. Mine was a Winchester '94. Later, when I was old enough my Dad took me to SeaMart and I paid for my first rifle myself, an old German 8mm Mauser with a shorter, smaller stock. That was my primary hunting rifle for quite some time.

A couple of years later, when I was a scant 18 years of age I was invited and did join the United States Army. In June, 1972, three days after I graduated from High School I was standing in some semblance of a formation at Ft. Polk, Louisiana. Lined up and ready to serve my country for the next three years, at least. Nah, I doubt Bloomberg ever took a step outside of his little, spoiled rich, spoon fed, silver lined life. But, I could be wrong... I doubt I am.

Bottom line, my father, brothers and I, my friends included... we all hunted and fished for a lot of our food throughout our lives and somehow we managed to make it well into our 60's and 70's without being shot by any errant rounds or accidents associated with the mishandling of firearms, guns.

Either way, Bloomberg needs to shut up and quit trying to force his pompous, silver spoon "values", "morals", "life" on the rest of us... IMHO.



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