I'm making a reference to Biden's latest run on executive orders that was published in The Republican Wire recently. I tried to provide a link to it in this post but it wouldn't work for some reason.
As usual, Beijing Biden’s doin’ the bidding for Beijing. He’s rendering us penniless and in need of imports from…. ready for it?
CHINA! Socialism is on it’s way… real time. Don’t think for a fleeting second that biden’s writing those “executive orders”! I’m going to go out on a really sturdy limb here and suggest he has absolutely no idea what’s in those executive orders he keeps signing. In fact, he even stated as much. Nah, ol’ slow joe has no idea what he’s doing, let alone is he able to pretend to know what he’s doing. The fool’s embarrassing at best. Entertaining in a sick, sordid way. But, it’s disgusting how the left, his handlers openly prey on his inability to govern. He’s their closet puppet, they’re his puppeteers. Sad.
And now, because of his idiocy our local mom and pop’s stores are already having one heckuva time keeping up with the biden constraints… AND it hasn’t even really got to the real shutdowns and global price hikes yet. Yup, so much for our industry, so much for our retailers, so much for our infrastructure… we’re doomed if we get another four years of this leftist regime with their puppet on the string in 2024. The best thing we can do now is hang on, quit buying foreign stuff and wait it out until November, 2024. Face it, the biden camp is in the capitol and there’s nothing we can do but evict them in 2024. Then we can regain our nation from the grips of global socialism.
Oh, as a side note I got this "Your comment is awaiting moderation", a usually endless "moderation" on that particular site. Hence, that's why I brought this info over to here. I truly doubt my comment will pass the Republican Wire's muster. It might but most online "Republican" sites aren't all that interested in true conservative's opinions or comments anymore. I truly believe they've been sucked into the liberal vortex that's obviously destroying anything conservative.