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"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and stree...

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021


I've been watching, listening to and reading a lot of the news over the past couple of years. News that I normally wouldn't have read as much of back "in the day" when I was still on the "job". Lately the news has provided me with one helluva lot of entertainment. Entertainment in a good and a bad way. "Good" because the scabs, the wounds of our society are being exposed and tended to, good or bad. Tended to via liberal rants, ultra left tantrums and blatant global propaganda that folks are gnawing on every waking moment of the day, some admittedly "dreaming" it. "Bad" because that exposure opened and continues to open up old wounds, resurrecting those bogeymen, the nightmares of life, of change that were once buried and nearly forgotten. Now we're being assaulted from within by an old adversary, liberalism, socialism. Liberalism's relenteless lust for socialism is most definitely upon us. I'm no liberal, never was, never will be. I'm not fond of over the top liberals but I can and do tolerate and interact with those liberals who maintain somewhat of an open mind. I'm of the opinion that the liberal crowd as a whole isn't intentionally destructive, hateful, bitter throughout their existence but hey, let's face it, they're pretty dad-gummed annoying at times. Well, quite often, lately.

But then again, I'm a conservative.

I was raised by conservative parents. My brother's and I started working for and earning what we needed and wanted at an early age. My parents were all about making sure we knew we had to work for what we want, what we think we might need. They wanted us to learn that there's no "free ride" in life, to love and protect our own and our country and to help our neighbor whenever possible. In the end, I think it's all shaking out. They (my parents) were right, as in correct, ONCE AGAIN. May they continue to rest in peace.

I've been thinking things over as of late, especially since those dreaded "elections" where (to me, obviously) the fix was in before the votes were cast (IMHO). I actually thought our nation, our government was above the fraud of politics but hey, that's me. I was evidently naive enough to think our country wasn't vulnerable to the third world politico ruses. Boy, did I learn my lesson. Nearly seventy years of life in me and I'm still learning. Now that's a refreshing thought even though the lesson(s) tend to be hard lessons learned. At least the ol' brain's still active.

I used to trust folks for what they say they are. I used to believe in right (as in correct) and wrong. As mentioned, we were raised that way... sometimes taking a lick or two to learn and remember the difference. This day and age I wonder. I truly wonder if folks actually know the difference. I'm not ranting here, I'm just having a conversation with myself on this particular blog. I'm "talking" to no one but myself. Judging from the number of visitors I've had over time that's a pretty accurate assessment of my activity (ies) here. This blog being my online personal echo chamber of sorts.

So, I guess where I'm going with this whole rant is that I too, will get over this. Somehow, somewhere. I won't last long, if at all as a socialist citizen. I'll always be some agent of dissent to a socialist government. That's a given. Dad always told me to question authority. He'd encourage me to question it if I didn't agree or didn't understand. He did, so I do. He's gone now but he survived the fighting in a horrendous world war, he maintained a career in a totalitarian military environment and he and my mother raised a family of boys and lived over eighty long years without having to wholly succumb to what our government is now telling us we have to succumb to, socialism.

Like it or not, agree with me or not but that's what I believe is happening to us, our country, our Constitutional Republic, our very existence. I can't help but feel I've somehow, some way failed to do all in my power to protect my family, our nation. But time's most definitely not in my favor to do much about it now...

I'm not good to go with that. Not at all. Somehow, some way this nation will continue to persevere with or without me. I'm hoping we can move past these chaotic times before I punch the proverbial clock.

May God Continue To Bless America, our Constitutional Republic.
