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Friday, January 31, 2014

Maersk Alabama and "Jack" Wheeler

The following is from a post of a Facebook friend of mine… If any of this is even close to being true then it’s chilling to think about what’s actually been elected as the POTUS in 2008 and again in 2012. A spineless, amateur, self serving, arrogant narcissist at best?
Here’s what the Facebook friend of mine, Joseph Friday posted on his Facebook page

Take it away JOE!
Anybody hear about this yet?
Now that the movie, “Captain Phillips” about the Maersk Alabama hijacking by Somali pirates is out, we need to inform the public about some facts of that event that haven’t been made public before.

The following article of facts regarding the incident was written by Dr. John “Jack” Wheeler.

Dr. Wheeler was a man of honor: a West Point graduate, a Vietnam veteran, and the man who was the driving force behind financing the construction of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. He fought long and hard for the dignity and honor of the fallen Vietnam War soldiers.

He served three presidents as an aide and advisor -- Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, for whom he was a special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force and a military consultant.

Jack Wheeler was a graduate student at the Harvard Business School when he was recruited to be an advisor to the president regarding military tactics. He was a man of integrity and served on the General Staff at the Pentagon.

Shortly after writing this article, he was murdered sometime between Dec. 28th and 31st in 2010 and his body was dumped in a dumpster in Newark, Delaware. Wheeler had homes in Washington, D.C. and New Castle, Del.

Now here’s the story as written by Jack Wheeler that was suppressed by the media:

"All of us need to raise our glasses the highest to the Navy SEALs who popped those three Somali pirates.

And I'm sure you want to hear the real story of what happened especially because there is a revoltingly opportunistic and cowardly side to it.Why, for example, did it take SEAL Team Six (aka DEVGRU, Navy Special Warfare Development Group) over 36 hours to get to the scene?

Because President Obama refused to authorize the SEAL deployment for those 36 hours, during which the OSC - the on scene commander, Cmdr. Frank Castellano of the USS Bainbridge - repeatedly requested them. Cmdr. Castellano is a very, very mature and experienced commanding officer and is rock solid in his decisions.

Once the SEALs arrived - parachuting from a C-17 into the ocean near the ship - Obama then imposed Rules of Engagement (ROE) specifying the SEALs could not do anything unless the life of the hostage, Captain Richard Phillips, was in "imminent" danger.

Thus, when Capt. Phillips attempted to escape by jumping off the lifeboat into the ocean, the SEAL snipers had all four pirates (one later surrendered) sighted in and could have taken them out then and there - but they could not fire due to Obama’s ROE restrictions.

When the SEALs approached the lifeboat in a RIB (rigid-hull inflatable boat) carrying supplies for Capt. Phillips and the pirates, the pirates fired upon them. Not only was no fire returned due to Obama’s ROE, but as the pirates were shooting at the RIB, SEAL snipers on the Bainbridge had them all dialed in. Again, no triggers were pulled due to the ROE.

Two specific rescue plans were developed by Cmdr. Castellano and the SEAL teams. Obama personally refused to authorize them. After the second refusal and days of dithering, Cmdr. Castellano decided he had the Operational Area and OSC authority to "solely determine risk to hostage" and did not require any further approval by the president. He took unilateral action on Sunday, April 12, 2009.

Four hours later, the White House is informed that three pirates are dead and Capt. Phillips has been rescued unharmed. Then a White House press release was immediately issued, giving credit to the president for his "daring and decisive" behavior that resulted in such success.

Obama has absolutely no military knowledge or experience whatsoever. He demanded decisional control over the entire hostage drama to the last detail. All actions required his personal approval. He dithered like a coward while the world laughed at our warships flummoxed by four illiterate teenagers with worn-out AKs in a lifeboat.

Only when the Navy Commander decided to ignore his Pantywaist-in Chief and take action and responsibility himself, were the incredible skills of the SEALs put into play.

That Obama could cynically and opportunistically claim that his "bold" "calm" "tough" leadership was responsible should remind everyone that not a single action, not a single word of this man can be trusted. He is bereft of honesty and moral character. He is a complete Zero.

The HFR raises a glass full of pride and gratitude to Navy Commander Frank Castellano, the Navy SEALs for their incredible competence, and our military. Let's hold a Tea Party in their honor.

What a low-life, lying, racist, Muslim, Marxist, Manchurian coward we have running our government. It is a disgrace to the office.

* Commander Frank Castellano*"


Wonder who could possibly have wanted to see Jack Wheeler dead? Probably the same person who had Breitbart killed. Strange that they both spoke the truth about our spineless, phony, usurper at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Currently, there's no reason to believe this information is anything but true.

02/01/2014 Follow-up to this information.  Per Wikipedia information, On December 31, 2010 "John Jack Wheeler's body was seen by a landfill worker falling onto a trash heap in the Cherry Island Landfill. Police ruled his death a homicide and claimed that "all the stops made Friday (December 31) by the garbage truck before it arrived at the landfill involved large commercial disposal bins in Newark (Delaware), several miles from Wheeler's home." His homicide remains unsolved to this day."

His death was determined to be a homicide that resulted from trauma suffered via an assault.
